Dreaming about hair

Dreaming about hair

Dreaming of hair symbolizes health and prosperity, however, according to the circumstances of the dream and how you feel in it, it could also have a completely adverse meaning to the above. Therefore, you must be very attentive to all the signs that you observe during the dream experience.

Dreaming about cutting your hair: it means that you are a person with little will power, that all circumstances of life affect you in a bad way. You must have more attitude and much more willingness to face problems.

Dreaming of long hair - symbolizes strength, vigor, good health and success. It means that you are a person with very good luck. If during sleep your hair is released by the wind, it means that you are a person who wants freedom, and that you will soon get it.

Dreaming of short hair - it can be interpreted as submission, bad luck and many misfortunes. Tousled hair means physical pain and baldness, emotional pain, sadness, depression.

Dreaming of dirty hair: it means that you have feelings of loneliness and desolation. You must analyze your interior, your emotions and work on your self-esteem. Renew friendships and personal relationships.

Dreaming that your hair falls out: it means that your strength is beginning to decrease, such as sexual desire and the strength to perform the activities you do every day or with a certain frequency. You must prepare yourself for the problems that are to come.

Dreaming of hair in food: be very careful with your projects and businesses, this dream means that things will turn out very badly, they will not fit what you want. You must be strong and face what is coming.

Dreaming about your hair growing: it is a good omen, it means that good times are coming into your life, where you will experience significant spiritual growth, your strength will be renewed and you will begin to see the results of your work.


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